Our daily routines

Los alumn@s de 5º estamos trabajando las rutinas diarias en esta unidad, y para ilustrar las nuestras, hemos realizado unos cómics y los hemos presentado al resto de la clase. Posteriormente los pondremos en la exposición del pasillo.

No sé si habrán dicho la verdad y nada más que la verdad… 😛 , pero estoy gratamente sorprendida de ver que algun@s incluso hacen la cama y friegan los platos todos los días. I hope it’s true!! 😉 Otros, sin embargo, se van a la cama un poquito tarde… 🙂

By the way! Forget the mistakes…we will correct them for the exhibition



The fifth year students have been working on their daily routines in this unit. To show you our routines we have made comics and presented them to the rest of the class. Afterwards we will put them on exhibition in the hallway.

I don’t know if they have told the truth and nothing but the truth… :P, but it was a pleasant surprise to see that some included making their beds, and doing the dishes everyday. I hope it’s true!! 😉 While others go to bed a little late…:)

By the way! Forget the mistakes…we will correct them for the exhibition.




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